
The Shire of Loch Cairn, part of the Kingdom of Meridies, is located in Manchester, Winchester, Tullahoma, McMinnville, Sewanee, and Lynchburg TN.

What's New

You may need to hit refresh/reload on this and other pages for the updates to take affect.


Changed a little bit on the main page yet again.


Changed a little bit on the main page.


Minor time changes to the event schedule.


Special note: To the person who emailed us on 4/19, you're AOL email address contains a space character that non-AOL ISP's can't decificer, so my reply to you cannot get through. I've tried other mail services and am encountering the same problem. If possible, could you email us again with a different accout nam or a temporary hotmail or other free email account?

* * * * *

Fixed the prices on the event page.
Yours in service,
Reimund FitzHugh


More changes to the pages, those of you viewing it in newer Internet Explorer versions will notice something slightly different than those using Netscape. A huge amount of thanks and gratitude to my wife, Sadb Fhind ingen Mael Muac mac Echri (Shelley) for the wonderful rendition of our shire device. I'm fairly sure that it won't interfere with the text, however if you have trouble reading it, let me know, I've got a couple possible alternatives handy.
Yours in service,
Reimund FitzHugh


I have a few of the pages updated: main, archive (massive), , what's new (this page), event, officer, how-to and multimedia pages.
Special note:
If you don't see any changes (very likely), try hitting the 'reload' or 'refresh' button. Your computer stores webpages in a temp directory and will sometimes use that to load up a page instead of what's really on the site. It's already happened with one person, and I had to constantly reload as I updated the pages. Anybody who knows a HTML command to tell the browers to automatically reload instead of using a cached page please let me know.


I, Ld Reimund FitzHugh (Jason McClanahan mundanely), am the new webmaster for the Loch Cairn website. Over the next few weeks, I'll be updating the website and adding new information as I get the chance and as it comes in.

In service to the Crown,
Reimund FitzHugh







S.C.A. Events
How to guide

S.C.A. Inc.

Disclaimer: This is the recognized website for the Shire of Loch Cairn of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. and is maintained by Ld Reimund FitzHugh. This site may contain electronic versions of the group's governing documents. Any discrepancies between the electronic version of any information on this site and the printed version that is available from the originating office will be decided in favor of the printed version.

Copyright © 2002 Loch Cairn, SCA, Inc.

The original contributors retain the copyright of certain portions of this site. For information on using photographs, articles, or artwork from this website, please contact the web minister at Ld Reimund FitzHugh. They will assist you in contacting the original creator of the piece. Please respect the legal rights of our contributors.